Feel Stuck? Astrocartography (Aka Astrology of Place) Can Tell You Where in the


Imagine a world where you could predetermine your success—in love, career, personal growth and more—just by looking at a map. If there’s one thing most of us have been dreaming about over the past eight months, it’s the joy of traveling. And if you’re anything like me, you’ve probably contemplated moving to Europe, Hawaii or Australia for the thrill of doing something—anything—different than living, working and exercising within the same four walls.

As a Cancer, I’m absolutely enjoying this time of slowing down and having no choice but to be a home body. No plans to make and cancel last minute? Score. But I’m also craving a sense of adventure, big time, and all this time to think has put my wanderlust into hyperdrive, dreaming up where I might land in the future (safely, of course).

That’s what led me to Dara Dubinet, an energy mover, life changer and astrocartography (or what she dubs astrogeography) expert based in sunny Los Angeles. Don’t worry—we’ll explain.

So, what is astrocartography?

Dubinet “sees the unseen” by taking a person’s natal chart and using the position of the planets at the exact time of birth to inform where in the world they’ll thrive—aka the very definition of astrocartography. The school of thought has actually been around for years, but it was simplified in 1978 by an astrologer named Jim Lewis who streamlined a complicated method of planet mapping and coined it “astrocartography.” (Dubinet later altered the term to “astrogeography” to make it even clearer.) It still seemed a bit confusing at first, but after talking to Dubinet, I learned that it’s quite simple once you have the tools necessary to decipher all the lines on your own chart. (P.S. you can look yours up by entering your birth date, time and location at Astro.com, and clicking on AstroClick Travel under Free Horoscopes.)

If you’re reading this thinking it sounds like a whole bunch of woo-woo, you’re not alone. Though I love a good horoscope reading, I was admittedly skeptical. But Dubinet ensured me that it’s actually a practical life tool that’s quite literally written in the stars. “Any time we’re thinking of relocating, traveling or starting a business venture somewhere new, it’s smart to understand what energies a potential destination holds for us,” she explained.

In the most basic of terms, at the exact time and location of your birth, the planets are all in a completely unique arrangement within space. If you follow astrology and the zodiac, you know that each planet represents a different energy force (hence why moon-ruled Cancers are moody and sun-ruled Leos are fiery). Well, those same energy forces can be applied to specific latitudinal lines on the globe, stemming from the position of each planet. This might ring a bell if you took a work trip to Seattle and felt the most loving energy there—it was probably on your Venus line, i.e. the planet responsible for love and affection. Or maybe you moved to Texas and found it to be an exceptionally challenging yet transformative experience—then it might have been on your Pluto line, i.e. the planet that represents death…


Read More: Feel Stuck? Astrocartography (Aka Astrology of Place) Can Tell You Where in the

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