readers to Dems in Congress on Amy Coney Barrett: ‘Get over it’


It was probably no surprise that Massachusetts’ all-Democrat congressional delegation was none too pleased with the confirmation of conservative judge Amy Coney Barett to the Supreme Court Monday, just eight days before the presidential election — especially after the GOP-controlled Senate had blocked Obama nominee Merrick Garland a full 10 months before the contest that would eventually elect President Donald Trump in 2016.

Some of the lawmakers have even suggested it’s time to reform the Supreme Court, in particular Sen. Ed Markey, who has advocated strongly to “abolish the filibuster and expand the Supreme Court” if Joe Biden wins the presidency and Dems take control of the Senate next year. readers strongly disagree.

“The Dems should stop being sore losers and constantly trying to change the rules, and focus on getting their own house in order,” responded Bob from Hopkinton in response to our poll asking what the congressional Democrats’ next step should be. “They need to look at themselves as a party and make some serious changes to gain back some support from the people of this country.”

Most of the more than 1,000 readers who responded apparently agreed with Bob: A full 60% said that Barrett was confirmed fair and square and there was no action to take. Eighteen percent said our representatives should concentrate on passing stronger laws so that the makeup of the court wouldn’t be as important, while only 14% endorsed expanding the size of the court if Dems take back the White House and Senate next year.

“The president and these spineless Republican senators all need to be held accountable,” said one reader of the 14%. “We must bring balance back to the Supreme Court.”

Here’s what some of the readers who responded had to say about the controversy:

‘Elections have consequences’

“Cry more libs, elections have consequences.” — Mike, Tewksbury

“Whiny Dems can’t stand it when their tactics are turned around on them. Barrett is as qualified for her seat as any human possibly could be. Quit crying and move on.”

“A president is president until he is no longer president. Period. He had every obligation and right to pick a SCJ. If the shoe were on the other foot, the Democrats would do exactly the same. Unfortunately for them, you need a majority in the Senate to block the nomination. The Senate is made up of elected officials of the USA. In this case, Republican senators are the majority. These are the rules we agree to in a democracy. We don’t cry, threaten and cause unrest when we don’t get our way. These disgraces in Massachusetts should stop their temper tantrums, name calling and pouting and do their damn jobs for the Commonwealth.” — JA, Clinton 

“Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it is wrong. Warren needs a HUGE dose of reality.”

“Why do Dems always want to change the rules or standards? Look what happened when Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, etc. changed the vote needed to end a filibuster from 60 to a simple majority back in 2013. I mean come on people, this is a self-inflicted wound for Dems. Stop changing the rules and then complaining when…


Read More: readers to Dems in Congress on Amy Coney Barrett: ‘Get over it’

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